Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The case for shaving

Toby's Daddy here. Methinks Toby doth protest too much. And I have the documentary evidence to prove it.

To wit.....

Although I have been a good Daddy and tried diligently to remove these mats and knots, Toby refuses to cooperate. In addition to claw swats and bites, he has another defense -- passive resistance. When I attempt to brush him, he flops limply on to his back and paws at the brush. His wide belly thus deployed, it's impossible to get at his back knots.

Toby's distinctive pear shape renders him unable to clean his hindquarters properly, resulting in an unappetizing collection of dingleberries. Daddy and Mummy trim these as necessary, but needless to say, this is a rather stressful project for all concerned.

So we're off to the vet Wednesday night. Toby will stay overnight and get his shots updated. The next day, the shaver will do its embarrassing but necessary work.

After pictures to follow by popular demand.


The Meezers or Billy said...

Poor Toby. Gramma Trixie has the same prollem 'acause she is old and cannot bend to groom herself anymore. Mommy has to constantly brush the knots out and she HATES it.

Fat Eric said...

Toby is a very handsome kitty though! With us bigger kitties, I just say there's more of us to love! I get mats in my long hair too but I am pretty good about being combed, I purr and drool while my mum is doing the combing. Also I try to lick the comb. I let her cut out knots too but I don't like her cutting out knots too near my sensitive parts, if you know what I mean. Still, she says I am a good boy and I always get treats afterwards!

Zeus said...

I feel for you, Toby. However, after hearing your human pet's sound logic, I think this is for the best. Bald is beautiful the homo sapiens say.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Shaggy is finally losing weight on his special vet diet. Only 1/2 pound so far, but I can already see a vague cat shape emerging. Good luck! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do! And he won't ever admit it but he will be a happier cat too. Love the "passive resistance" defense. sss's mom

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Oh, no.....the vet and shaving both! Maybe you would like to teleport on over. Run.....fast.....

Patches Lady