... And then they showed up
Tilly here. Once upon a time, I was the only kitty. I was fat and happy and got all the attention the beans had to give. All the food too.And then one day in 1994, these showed up.

Dad got them from a lady at work who rescues kitties that don't have homes. This nice lady took in a momma cat who then had kittens. When Dad and Mum went to her house to look at the kittens, there was little Toby sitting bold as brass on top of a cat carrier. (I guess he didn't know then that they were for trips to the vet!)
Mum said "Ooooh, a tigger! That's the one I want." Then the lady said, "There's another one around here somewhere." She reached between her stove and the wall and pulled out a shy little black and white. Dad said, "We might as well take that one, too."

I didn't care too much for these new arrivals and they soon learned to stay away from me. I hissed and growled whenever they came near. I applied a few well-placed swats as well.
The two brothers Toby and Jiggsy kept pretty much to themselves for their first few years. But they didn't keep out of trouble.

Troublesome kittens! But still Santa Claws brought them presents. It just isn't fair.
Now Toby is big and brawny and I am old and frail. He's repaying me for my meanness to him when he was young. He doesn't really hurt me -- he just uses his bulk to push me around.
Jiggsy went over the bridge in April. Even I miss him sometimes.